AmyB: Food For Thought

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of AmyB WOE

Considering The Source May 20, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 11:06 pm





I have been asked by Boo to retract my blog comment that she is back at KK.  I have been told by two people that she is back at KK.  But since I am not there and can not see for myself.  I will say that I am not there and I do not know this for myself.  I have always tried to be fair with what I blog about. Until I get the proof I can share , I will retract that she is back. So Boo I hope this helps you feel better. I guess for me the blog was not about you being at KK but another issue at hand.


I have been thinking for a few days how to deal with the anger over Heidi Diaz’s latest attack. I had thought about letting it go.  I have thought about jumping on a plan and knocking on her door.  I decided to settle on this instead.

Some may wonder why I posted a picture of Philip on my blog.  First of all he is super handsome and I love to show him off.  Also Philip’s medical web page has tons of pictures of him.  And last…I have nothing to hide.  I dare say Heidi Diaz can not say the same. I want you to see just who you are trying to hurt .

This week Heidi lowered herself to a place that I did not think any mom would go.  As a mom I have to ask you do you look at yourself in the mirror each day.  Would you ever allow someone to do the same to your son?  Oh maybe you should not answer that.  You know the old saying..back a dog in a corner and they will  bite. Are you feeling some pressure Heidi?  I know court is not going so well for you.  Maybe the stress has finally caught up with you.  One thing you might want to remember Heidi.  You have a habit of getting sloppy when you are scared.  Your latest actions show you are getting scared.  I do not blame you.

You may feel like you have a battle to pick with me.  Fine, I have one to pick with you.  And I will win.  Are you sacred to handle things with me?  From day one you have brought my son in to your battle.  Do you really want to add slander and harassment to your legal issues. Just so you and your silly side kicks know…everything you put in the INTERNET is saved in one form or another.  You can not take it back.  You messed up.  Did you really think we would not figure out who crispy bread is?  You have gotten sloppy Heidi. 

Some quick background.  Heidi Diaz has been harassing my son for months.  She has a issue with me and must be afraid to handle things with me.  She has accused Philip of not being real, not being sick, and a way for me to make money.

Above you will see a picture of Philip and myself before he went off to the operating room back in March 2008.  Heidi took this opportunity to once again harass me.  She had one of her members  name Boo e-mail me and follow up with a phone call.  During this phone call…Heidi PM’d questions that she was suppose to ask me. The whole phone conversation Boo would ask questions about myself and Philip, as Heidi PM her.  When Boo told Heidi she would not be apart of bringing a child into her fight with me.  Heidi banned Boo.  It saddens me to now know Boo is once again at KK.

Many KK members have made rude comments to me to defend Heidi.  Such as IF Heidi really said this or that.  Each time they have been pointed to my blog comments.  Gary and Singinglass have been busy under fake names.   Being the cruel people they are…maybe it is best they stay alone and spend their time online. I dare say if they have no issue being involved with verbal child abuse…what else could they be involved in. 

A little background medical information about Philip.  When Philip was 6 weeks old he had his first brain operation.  Then at age 6 months he had  a 13 hr  brain operation that had life changing complications.  Philip suffered a stroke and 2 cardiac arrest.  He was blind for 17 days post op and we were told he would not survive.  He showed them. Philip has had a total of 15 Brian operations, 30 ortho stroke related operations and three life threatening infections.  Needless to say Philip is our miracle.

As  a mom …..imagine my anger to find that Heidi Diaz started a blog that is filled with slander and lies.  The blog suggest I have a mental disorder that causes me to fake Philip’s condition and caused him his medical issues now..for attention.  I am not even going to dignify that with a answer.  Heidi I got to thinking.  I am not sure this type of behavior is in your best interest.  The way I see it..a grown women who is being sued for running a fraud based diet web site is harassing a child who is fighting daily for his life.  I knew you could care less about anyone bu yourself…your depo answered that.  But as a mom…I thought you might have a little more heart.  Then again …your son has suggested otherwise.

For all of you KK people who have not wanted to see how low Heidi can go..take a look at her handy work.  For those who keep saying IF Heidi has involved Philip with her nasty remarks…Sue, Joy, etc.  Go read this.  Also go read the comments by Gary and Singinglass on my blog.  A little hint..theyt used fake names. Here is your example.  Do with it what you want.  But maybe you need to keep  your children far out of the reach of Heidi..who knows what she could end up doing.


Posted in Blog

Munchausen’s By Proxy
May 14, 2008 · No CommentsWe are drawn by the many medicals claims, dissatisfactions, hypochondria and purported constant emergency hospital visits of the anti-Kimkins rally. Of note are Amy Briggs (amyb), Christin Sherburne, Elizabeth Winn (littlebit) and Trista Essex who states she failed at weight loss surgery. If you read their blogs and postings you might believe they live at the hospital for someone very near and dear to them is always at death’s door. Dr. Heigler provided a potential diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome, a common affliction of attention seeking persons who feel unimportant in life and “crying wolf” fills a chasm.Munchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected fake disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve “illnesses” whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome. Craving attention, fighting depression, seeking well wishing and much fanfare these individuals create needless and harmful health emergencies for self fulfillment.In Munchausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates symptoms of illnesses in themselves in order to gain investigation, treatment, attention, sympathy, and comfort from medical personnel. In some extremes, people suffering from Munchausen’s Syndrome are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine, and are able to produce symptoms that result in multiple unnecessary operations. For example, they may inject a vein with infected material, causing widespread infection of unknown origin, and as a result cause lengthy and costly medical analyses and prolonged hospital stay. The role of “patient” is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills a psychological need in people with Munchausen’s. It is distinct from hypochondria in that patients with Munchausen syndrome are aware that they are exaggerating, while sufferers of hypochondria actually believe they have a disease. In many cases, this syndrome has been documented in the parent or guardian of a child, who assures his or her child of an affliction, therefore committing the child to spending a significant portion of their youth in hospitals.Furthermore, a disease may actually be initiated in the child by the parent or guardian. This, despite the mentality of the adult, is a serious form of child abuse.


For those who have stood up and let Heidi and her bully admins and let them know that is is not okay or accepted .  Thank You.  It is nice to know some who are in the fight…are not willing to stand by and watch Heidi attack a kid for her own selfish reasons.

I am done playing games with you Heidi Diaz. Pick on someone your own size.






Podcast link May 19, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 9:34 am

I did this podcast a few weeks after I got banned form KK.  I was still so numb and raw.  I think my podcast now might need to be censured.  Ha.  No matter where I go or end up after KK.  I will always reach out to ex KK ladies and I will always try to be a solid place to for them to fall.  I am a e-mail or PM away.




Heidi Diaz…Can you take that back? May 16, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 9:47 am


Lately I find myself wondering how things turned out this way.  I am pretty sure Heidi wonders this also.  I can not help but thing this is not the way she thought things would turn out.  And to think she almost got away with it.  One problem Heidi has is…greed.  She takes what she wants, when she wants and how she wants.  But this time she took things too far. What she wanted was more money and fame.  She now has her money frozen and is pretty INTERNET famous for fraud.  I wonder if she ever thinks…Can I take that back.

I wonder if Heidi ever thinks of how she will get out of this.  For months she said the lawsuit would go no where.  She said it was a bunch of bored housewives.  Well I am not sure who it…but they have gotten the job done. I am pretty sure Heidi never thought things would end up like this.  But now that they did…what now?

I think Heidi should take a deep breathe and admit the truth.  She has been caught in enough lies that she has to be asked…Heidi how is this working for you. Not so good, huh?

I think if I were Heidi..I would re think my plan of action.  I would contact WW and see if they would do a cover story.  Heidi…I already did the cover for you.  You look good in red.  Different then your last cover story…but this is the REAL story.  We are going to do the truth.

Contact WW and see if they will let you do a story.  Meet with them. ( I mean face to face) and have them do a follow up KK story. Admit your lies and fraud.  Tell them how you are trying to make things better at KK for the health of the members ( AKA CYA for lawsuit).  Explain yourself .  I would love to hear the story.  But be careful..cause once it is in print you can not go back and say…Can I take that back.

Heidi..I know you must be tired of running.  Maybe you can stop running .  Think about a different aproach..before it is too late to take that back.


Giving Dee Some Room

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 7:18 am

I spent some time thinking last night . I have been reminded how long it took me to leave KK.  I have been reminded that I begged to go back after being banned.  I also have been reminded that I went back. All of that is true. I even wanted to go back after I got banned the second time.  I think I have told everyone all of that many times.  So it is fair play to use that with me now.

It is no secret that I have been very frustrated with Dee.  We have gone back and forth many times.  We have agreed to disagree on more then one occasion.

So how dare me push her to leave KK?  What gives me the Right to do that when it took me so long myself? Simple.  Do as I say not as I do.  LOL.

The difference is the way it was handled.  I never posted at LCF while at kk.    But umm…I did read.  ha.  I got called out many times at LCF while at KK.  Never did I come over and say what I was thinking about KK.  That is one thing I admire about Dee…she is blunt .

I guess I do not understand.  And really it is not for me to understand.  But when does that stop any of us?

Yes it took me way too long to leave KK.  In fact I did not leave…I was kicked out.  If I had not been…I might still be there.  Simple truth. Thank Goodness I got banned. I cringe to think the what if’s.

Dee came to LCF .  She was fired up and ready to fight.  Things calmed  down. Questions asked and answered.  Dee seemed pretty floored by what she had heard.  She made comments that I know would not make Heidi happy. As the KK front page lady and the KK newsletter lady.  I can not imagine Heidi would stand by and do nothing about all this.  Just a reminder that Heidi banned me for planning lunch with Jimmy Moore.

I think Dee knows my feelings about all this.  Right Dee?  We have talked in depth about all of it.  I  Know Dee knows the truth.  She has made it clear in her own words. So now she needs to figure out what she needs to do with this information.  I know she will do the right thing.

Maybe Heidi has gotten weak.  Maybe she is given up some of her fight.  I think maybe Heidi knows when she is beat at her own game. Heidi I think it is wonderful that you NEED Dee so much at your site that you are okay with all of this.

So Dee..if I was pushy with you about leaving.  I am sorry. I misunderstood what your plans were when you got the answers to your questions.

I am backing away and letting you figure out your own way.  I was only trying to help.  I have a feeling you will make the right choice.



What If? May 14, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 10:48 pm

Have you ever wondered what if? What if  things were different?  I know I have spent way too much time  thinking…what if I did this or that.  I know it is wasted angry …we can not go back in time. 

Lately I have been thinking about the whole KK mess.  I can not help but think Heidi might spend some time wondering ..this same question. What if she had not pushed it too far. 

We all agree that the KK drama started long ago..back in LCF days.  But for many it started when Heidi got greedy.  She went too far. I think she had told too many lies but wanted the money so bad..she got cocky and sloppy.  The first time I knew she was not half as smart as she wanted to think she was…when her pics were clearly of different people. 

I have a question I would like to ask some of you.  If you were standing in line at the store and saw this WW magazine cover.  Would you of still paid the $60 and joined the site?  Would you believe that the lady on the cover of this WW could know about dieting and nutrition  and health?  I have a feeling no. 

So it is fraud .  It is wrong.  It is illegal.  It is just plain wrong.

Why is it that Heidi will not show a current picture of herself.  I dare say once again she is hiding.


Life Has It’s Way May 13, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 11:09 pm

I have been doing so much thinking this week.  I have felt really frustrated and hurt this week.  I have had a mixture of feeling attacked and wanting to attack.  Is this who I want to be?  NO.  I have always felt like I am a good person.  I would never want to hurt anyone on purpose.  And yet if a person were to read about Amy B on the INTERNET …they might just get a different idea about who I am.

I never wanted to get involved in the whole KK issues.  I only wanted to lose weight.  Yes you heard those words from me.  At the time I only wanted to lose weight.  I also thought if I lost the weight..everything would be perfect.  Guess what…I set myself up for emotional failure. I placed too much value on the number on the scale.  I was willing to lose the weight and work on the other later.  Guess what..the later is here.  NOW.

Do I hate Heidi Diaz?  NO.  Not at all.  But I ask myself..if it is not hate then what is it?:  I guess you would call it ….maybe hurt.  I feel hurt by Heidi.  I believed her.  I thought she was the answer .  And then I felt like she abandoned me.  There I said it.  I thought Heidi was like us.  I thought she was the real deal. Now the truth is here with me every morning as I step on the dreaded scale..It is my battle.  I am  alone in this fight to health and being fit and thin.  And lately I feel like there are some people who want me to fail. 

Maybe I come across as weak.  And some days I feel worn down.  But I guess I would rather be weak and FEEL then hardened and NUMB.

So this week I have been listening to a wonderful CD and every time I hear these words reminds me of all of US.  I wanted to share them with all of you.  We are going to all be stronger after this.  It is called life.

Words from Sister CD

These broken hearts will need some time

One day we will wake up and find

That life is hard, and pain is real

But the strongest hearts are not made of steel

They’re made of tenderness and trust

Sometimes life has its way with us

And we find it is the heartaches

Struggles and scars

That makes the strongest hearts







Amy B ….Rambles on

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 6:48 am

It is a new day and I am working on a new way.  Yes I can be a poet too.  Ha

I went to bed last night frustrated with non other then myself.  I had to have a self talk and figure out why I allowed myself to be dragged into a NO WAY TO WIN fight yesterday into the late night. Is this what I wanted my day to be about yesterday…NO.  Did I do anything to stop it..HECK NO.

I am not and will NOT back down from the KK issues.  I woke up this morning to a very honest PM from LCF and in this PM there were the words that clicked with me…it reminded me of why I feel so strongly about this whole KK drama.

I did not do KK for a week, a month ..I started KK before even the fraud with WW was announced.  I sat in threads and wanted to be just like Heidi.  I wanted to look like the lady in the red dress.  So much so I allowed myself to FOOL myself.  I see the pictures that Heidi used and I think I am not as upset with her and I am myself.  How in the world did I allow myself to LIE daily that all the anti KK people just wanted to hurt Heidi.  Am I one of those people now…maybe…did I join this to hurt Heidi?  NO.  But I find myself very angry with her daily.  When in truth it is myself that I am mad with.  I feel like in some ways..I sold my soul to get thin.  Was it with it?  Well I look in the mirror and some days I see one person and feel like another. 

I am not backing down from my issues with KK.  I am not going to say that everything I do is handled perfect.  I never said I was perfect.  I am just one small person in a big fight to make sure the truth comes out and no one else gets hurt or worse.

 I have taken more from Heidi and her crew then many of you know….but one day soon…it will all become more clear. I think those who come over and fight her battles for her…are just doing what they think they need to do.  Just as I did when I stayed for so long.  I seem to recall that I spent some time being asked some hard questions when I was at KK.  Now that I am gone..I still have to answer some hard questions.

I have never once spoken about Heidi and her hair or clothes or face or size or anything else.  I have spoken about her fraud and her morals.  Anyone who knows me..knows I am not a mean spiteful person.  I have wanted to get to goal for years…and this year was the year…and yet today I weighed even further away from goal.  I placed a pic of myself and Heidi in my blog.  I posted about my lack of getting to goal .  I never said haha look at me.  In fact I said just the opposite. I wanted Heidi to show how far she had come and that it was okay to not be at goal..just to keep working toward it.  Is that the whole truth?  Umm…no.  I also wanted to see a updated picture.  There..I said it.  I bet many of us want to.

I did not humiliate Heidi.  I did not slap her when she was down.  I did not call her out and everyone else that has not reached Goal.  Once again I can not seem to get to goal.  And I find offense that my blog was a slap in everyone’s face that has not reached goal.  Plus…today I am beginning to think getting to goal is only half the battle.

I have shaken the hurt and anger off and today I am going to work on my OTHER goal.  I am going to work on picking a flower.  Because no matter how much I bang my head against the wall..I know some listen and they leave.  That is why this is so worth it for ME.


Curious .. May 12, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 12:32 pm

I would like to ask the ladies who are left at KK a few questions.  I am CURIOUS if they are honest enough to answer them without feeling they need to run back and PM Heidi to explain why what and how you answered.  And trust me I was the queen of running to Heidi in PM’s.  I was so freaking brainwashed that I PM’d her to explain to her why I had come to LCF to tell them I was not a Russian Bride.  How warped was that..she lied..she made it where my pics were in the middle of the Russian Brides and I felt I had to explain why I went to a site to tell them I was real.  Yes I was the queen of SF koolaide.

Back to the point…

Since no one will ever come out and say Heidi was wrong…Is anyone willing to admit that Heidi has done some really awful things…such as…

That it was really wrong for Heidi to lead people to her plan using a fake picture on WW magazine? And just a reminder that she did not want to just hide who she was…she picked a total different type of person….it was more then hiding who she was.

Maybe that when she knew the PI pics were out there ..she continued to lie and lie and lie again …her words…It is not me…


What about the fact that she did the KK plan?  Or that she weighed 118 to 120?  Or even that she would of done the diet coke fast if she had to lose the weight again?

And how about the one that just makes me want to slap her face.  Oh yes I said that.  How about in her Jimmy Moore interview when it was at the end..she said it almost made her wish she could lose the weight again.  See ..she never lost the weight…and she STILL can not and WILL not do the KK plan herself.  Ask yourself WHY?

Are any of you brave enough to say that she was wrong and these things were plain awful and fraud.




Time to Share

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 7:47 am

I have gotten some not so polite messages in the past saying…how I never mentioned any medical or emotional issues with Kimkins until I was banned.  My first reaction was to blast back and remind these people that I was told while active at Kimkins what I could and could not say about issues such as my hair and DR appt etc.  But I held off.  Why? Because I am not going to be bullied.  I had not been ready to share some issues.  In fact maybe I am still working on allowing myself to deal with some of those issues.  But I am ready to share some issues I had with the Kimkins diet plan..both medical and emotional.  And trust me..we all have a tad of both.  Maybe you do not see it yet….you will.  And by the time you do…permant damage and bad habits may be too late to reverse.

First of all..I had mentioned many times in open post on Kimkins that I had some “issues” going on.  I am not sure why there seems to be such a problem with people believing that some have medical issues on this plan. 

My blog today will show my history of dealing with these issues…

From Kimmer  ( Sept 2007)

To answer your question, you are banned.

I am done dealing with the issues on the group. I will let you back in group but you will follow what I say.

No more talk about your hair. You have hair so stop talking about it. IT can not be falling out that much.

I do not want any talk about your Dr telling you to add foods back in. That will just make you gain weight . NO talk of vitamins .No medical issues at all.

You do not mention Jimmy Moore on my site. You need to reconsider a lunch meeting. I am very upset that you would consider this after the UTube video he made making fun of Kimkins. Just do not meet him.

Enough of the fake niceness. No one can be that nice. You pop in and out with fake nice post. Stop it. It seems you do this to make me mad.


I will share a very personal e-mail from Oct 2007 between myself and Becky….I think these words will share my feelings LONG before I ended up being banned …and started this blog.


—– Original Message —-
From: AmyB <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:57:54 PM
Subject: Hello

I have wanted to talk with you for a while but never have reached out to do it.  I wanted to make sure first that what I say to you is private.  I have the up most respect for you.  But in truth I would like to talk with you and not a anti kimmer site ect.  I think you know what I mean.

Let me know your thoughts about this and I will e-mail you .

Amy B


—– Original Message —-
From: AmyB <>
To: Elizabeth Winn <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:51:28 PM
Subject: Re: Hello

I just want our conversation kept between you and me.


First let me say..that even though you do not know me.  I so feel like I know you.  For months while I was at Kimkins…I followed you.  I read what you wrote.  I did boot camp with you.  No I did not stalk you ..haha. 

I have to say that I am sad.  I have been sad.  I have a mixture of feelings.  I miss things the way they were.  I miss kimkins being a hopping place.  I miss the old familiar faces..such as you.  I miss the fact that I USE to think there was a miracle plan…Kimkins.

I thought I was numb to everything. I was not as out raged with Kimmer being heavy.  I know she lied and that was wrong.  But when I saw the photos..I felt bad for her and embarrassed.  And yes I was disappointed in her also.  But the day I found out about the Russian brides and the red dress..I felt my heart sank.  It was one thing to lie about her size…but to lie about the diet and the people who had succeeded on it..well it was hard to hear. Then of course I got some feedback that people where asking if I was real or a Russian bride.  It kind of took away the excitement of being on the success stories.

I had planned to leave kimkins but I find myself needing to be involved in the weight loss lives of my buddies I have become close with. But in truth I feel like a fraud being there sometimes.  Such a mixture of feelings.

I know for me right now..I am not ready to leave.  I think deep down I kept thinking it would blow up or blow over.  But this status of just being weird.

One thing I have been doing while I am there is working on myself adding food back in.  I also working with my buddies to do the same.

What I wanted to share with you is something I have been holding in.  I must say that I am not sure why I would tell you all this.  But I feel like I need to tell someone.

Kimkins has not been a good plan for me emotionally.  I have learned to eat very little and lose a lot.  I have developed a habit of worrying if I eat an extra crumb of this or that..what will the scale say.  But then worse thing is….I have been sick.  I have felt awful.  I ended up having some lab work done and I have some serious medical issues going on.  Do you know what my Dr said to me.  Well unless you are starving yourself….I have no idea why your levels are so off.  I just smiled and never said a word about the diet ect.  Then my next appt she said..well we sometimes see this type of issues in Gastric bypass patients.  I sat there with a smile and left.  The next visit..she said..well you now will need injections and your thyroid is ruined.  All this in 5 months.  I have been seeing a counselor for some personal issues..and she said as clear as day.  Kimmer is a fraud and her diet could kill you.  I think I had never wanted to think..I did this to me and my body.  I thought I was doing good.  I looked good.  I can dress great.  I feel like crap and my Dr basically said I was starving myself. Wow. There I said it.  I said it to someone.  I feel nervous now. 

You know what I wish.  I wish kimmer was really gone.  I wish her site could be legit and start over without her.  But even if that were to happen it is ruined now.  I am hopeful my race buddies I am so close to will leave soon. I have tried other places…started a journal at Jimmy’s.  It just does not feel at home.  Not that Kimmer’s feels like home..but the people do. 

is any of this making sense?

I hope it was okay for me to share this with you. And let me can share parts of my e-mail with \whoever or in blog…just not my name.  I would like to stay private.

I guess I just felt like I wanted to tell you that I miss things before all this.  I wish Kimmer had been real.

Thanks for being a solid person in all this mess.

And thanks for listening to me.

Amy B



—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Elizabeth Winn <>
To: AmyB <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 4:39:05 PM
Subject: Re: Hello

Oh, Amy! I am sorry for all you are going through! I will be praying for you.

To have this diet drama is bad enough. To develop serious complications makes it so much worse. And to have all this on top off your own personal battles for your son — well, to tell the truth, it makes me feel so sad and so angry I don’t even have words for it.

You said you wanted to feel numb. I really understand that. You feel sad and disappointed, but you want to hang on. I understand that, too. You wish it would go back like it was —- I did, too, but I can tell you for certain that can never happen. You wish Kimmer was really gone, and all could be healthy and legit — but I know for a fact she is not. She still runs the site, and is counting on it all blowing over so she can get back to business. And, sadly, the lead Admins putting the public face on Kimkins and deleting the links to evidence and banning the truth-tellers are by now also guilty of aiding and abetting in fraud, and are criminally prosecutable, just like Kimmer is, if the authorities decide to press charges. They will not be allowed to carry on without Kimmer. It is all coming down, before too long, and nothing can stop that from happening.

I agree that the problem is not that Kimmer is overweight. We could all understand that, since we’ve been there ourselves. If she had told the truth instead of selling a lie, she would not be in so much trouble.
No, the problem is that she broke the law, more than a few laws, actually,  and continues to do so, even today. She has committed several felonies, she is not sorry, and she has not changed her ways. She is hurting people for money. She is more guilty and more dangerous that most people realize. The whole truth hasn’t come out yet — believe me, it’s worse than people know.

Let’s talk about the diet. Did Kimmer do it herself? We don’t know for sure, but I think she did at least once, as a teen, and she probably tried again, more than once, when she wanted to lose again. But look what it did for her. She, like you, ruined her thyroid, and slowed her metabolism to a crawl, so that she ended up even bigger than before. Plus, like VLCDs often do, it set off binging. So she has sat at her computer, weighing probably over 300 lbs. snacking on cookies, bald and hypothyroid, telling people to eat 600 calories or under, and that it wouldn’t hurt them at all, just to get their money. SO many people are now ending up hypothyroid, sick, malnourished,  hair falling out, skin and muscle tone suffering, with electrolyte imbalances, bowel problems, and heart problems. One woman may need a transplant. AND HEIDI KNOWS THIS. Yet she is still promoting and selling the diet, knowing that it is damaging people like you who trusted her. Your health is now damaged for life, with the thyroid condition meaning you will probably always have to eat fewer calories than you could have otherwise. Low thyroid affects hair, skin, nails, energy levels, body temps, mood, mental clarity, libido, and a host of other things, including the possibility of autoimmubne disorders, affected for life so she could put $60 of your money in her Paypal account.

Yes, the diet peels weight off —- for now. But it makes it extremely difficult to keep the weight off later. It DOES damage the metabolism. It is highly likely to damage thyroid function. It often triggers binge eating disorder or anorexia. It frequently causes a whole slew of health problems — some permanent. It is a bad diet, and it is not worth it. Think about it — if it really works long-term, why are there not many more REAL success stories by now? And why have at least half of the people in those few real stories now renounced Kimkins, with any of them having health problems?

I am going to say 2 things you really do not want to hear. I am really sorry to do this. I hate making you feel bad when you are already in crisis. But you reached out to me, and I would not be serving you or telling you the truth if I did not say what I am about to say.

First, Amy, I will say that you are doing your friends there more harm than good by staying. Your support and your example may be the very thing keeping some of them there. Your encouragement may be the thing keeping some of them going. Your pictures and your success story may be the motivation inspiring them to dig deeper and try harder. You have not told the whole truth about the problems you are developing, and your friends there really need and deserve to know the truth, before it happens to them.

I know you say you are adding more food in, and encouraging others to do the same. I’m sorry, but that won’t be enough. As long as that site continues, the record of the encouragement to super-low calories, daily laxative use, and disordered behavior is still there. I know Tippy is trying to say to go at least 800 calories,  but, for one thing, that is still low, and for another, the plans as written do not support that. Boot Camp is meant to be 500ish, 600 tops by Kimmer’s own words and calculations. The shake option is meant to be 3 to 4 shakes of 200 calories each or less, so 800 tis the very top, more like 450 – 600. All that info and history is still there for any new people to find and follow, and get into trouble with, just like you did.

As long as that site exists, with big success stories on the front page, promising amazingly fast losses, new people will continue to join every day (putting money in Kimmer’s pocket still.) They will read the plans and see what is intended. They will read the Ask Kimmer thread and lots of old posts in the journals and challenges and boot camp and everywhere. Most of them will go for the super-low fat, low-calorie diet as it is written to be. Many of them will develop the same health problems you and many others are facing.

And, Amy, the participation of the members like you is what keeps that site going. I know you are all staying just for the support of the friends you have made, but that also helps the new people feel welcomed and supported and enabled, too —- and many of them will suffer for it. The best thing you and your friends could do would be to abandon that site, and quit supporting Kimmer’s fraudulent enterprise that is hurting so many people.

But even if they were to erase everything on the whole site, and rewrite the plans, as long as people are there who remember it from before, who know about cutting so low for fast losses, it will always be to tempting to go back to that when losses stall, or weight starts to creep up. The allure will always be there, built into the culture, and it will continue to harm people.

And that brings me to the second thing that I don’t want to say, and you won’t want to hear. I am terribly sorry.
Amy, I have to tell you that you have developed (or at least, are developing) an eating disorder.
The fear of eating, the obsessing over small amounts of food showing up on the scale, the hiding the truth about what you are eating and how you are feeling, the health complications —  those are classic signs of an eating disorder. In your heart, you know – or at least suspect – that it is true.

I beg you to tell your doctors the whole truth of how little and just what you have been eating. Tell them what you are thinking and how you are feeling. You will probably find, like Christin did, that they send you to an eating disorders specialist. She has to get counseling for it now, and she has shed so many tears over this struggle. Please, Amy — your family needs you to take care of yourself. Losing weight is wonderful — but not at this high a cost. Don’t trade one way of being unhealthy for an even worse one.

I just wish you would tell the truth about what is going on — to yourself, to your doctors, to the members of Kimkins, and to the rest of the people watching this saga. Your truth could save some people some real heartache.

I wish you would leave Kimkins, with or without your friends, to quit adding support and legitimacy to something that just needs to end, before it is too late.

I didn’t mean to write so much. I am available to talk more, if you are willing. If I have offended you, I really am sorry.

I will try to find a way to share your story without giving away anything that would identify you.
Becky Winn

—– Original Message —–

From: Elizabeth Winn

To: AmyB

Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:16 PM

Subject: Fw: Hello


Hi, Amy I just read your new blog post, and saw I was mentioned.

I ended up not blogging about your story, because I knew you would be easily identified from the details you gave. As you know, I did share your struggles with  Jeannie Baitinger on the phone, when she was first coming out of Kimkins.  I was trying to convince her that, yes, people doing Kimkins really were developing serious health problems and eating disorders, that it was not a bunch of made-up claims by people mad at Heidi, but even people like you who supported the diet and the site (at the time) were in trouble. Thank God, Jeannie, you, and a bunch of people have come to realize the dangers now.

Anyway, I wanted to say that if you ever want to put these emails (the one included here below from me to you) on your blog, you have my permission.

I know you are bravely coming to grips with what you went through and what Kimkins did to you. If telling more about it, like you did in your email to me helps you, or you think it might help someone else, feel free to post it.

As always, you are in my prayers.


Becky Winn








Goodies in my e-mail box May 11, 2008

Filed under: Kimkins — amyb1569 @ 9:29 pm

Been doing some digging through my e-mails.  I was shocked at the things I had kept ..buried in my e-mail box.  Lot’s of junk and a few pieces of a hard lesson learned.  Let me explain what this lesson was….

Last year was a hard year for me.  As a mom, a wife as a person.

I made some hard choices, some great choices and some choices were made for me.

I have often wondered what and where my role is with the Kimkins and Heidi Diaz fraud.  I wondered if the things she had said to me and others were things that would go un noticed.  I wondered if the fact I was told and forced to hide who I was and what I was having issues from with Kimkins would be a oh well issue.  I wondered if the fact Heidi knew I was having medical  issues and forced me to hide them would go unpunished.

After digging through my e-mail box..I found some hard to read informative e-mail conversations between Heidi and myself.  They were hard to read and made me sad and angry.